Snoring Treatment

Snoring Treatment

A Better Approach to a Better Night's Rest

Snoring affects millions of people worldwide. It disrupts your breathing during sleep and can lead to a cascade of negative health consequences. Let’s explore snoring and how our dental office can help you manage it.

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How We Can Treat Your Snoring

While diagnosing and managing excessive snoring typically falls under a doctor’s purview, we can also be a key partner in treating it with oral appliance therapy. Dr. Kirk will start with a screening during your regular dental check-up to assess your airway anatomy. We will also discuss your sleep patterns to identify potential signs.

If needed, Dr. Kirk will recommend a sleep study and work closely with your doctor to determine if oral appliance therapy is the right choice for you. This appliance will help maintain an open airway and prevent breathing interruptions. During your journey with our team, we’ll also monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to ensure the appliance continues to fit optimally.

Lifestyle Changes You Can Make

  • Excess weight can contribute to airway narrowing - work on maintaining a healthy weight.
  • A stuffy nose can worsen sleep apnea. Do your best to manage any allergies or congestion.
  • Alcoholic substances relax the muscles that control your breathing. Avoid drinking before bedtime.
  • Create a regular sleep schedule to go to sleep and wake up at consistent times.
  • Wind down before bed with calming activities like reading or taking a warm bath.
  • Keep up with regular physical activity to improve your sleep quality.

Fossil Creek Dentistry Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to see results with oral appliance therapy?

Most people experience improvement in sleep quality and daytime alertness within a few weeks of using an oral appliance consistently.

Will I need follow-up appointments?

Regular follow-up appointments are crucial to monitor progress and ensure the appliance continues to fit comfortably and effectively.

What happens if oral appliance therapy doesn't work for me?

If oral appliance therapy isn't sufficient, your doctor may recommend alternative treatment options like CPAP or surgery.

Take Charge of Your Sleep

A good night's sleep is an investment in your overall health and well-being. Dr. Kirk is here to partner with you and your doctor to explore treatment options. Schedule a consultation today and breathe easy on your way to a better night's rest!

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